We Remove Negative Google Reviews Using Ai

Do You Want Unfair Negative Reviews Taken Down?

We’ve Created a World-First Technology to Help Identify, Dispute & Escalate Unfair Bad Reviews Until They're Taken Down!


Trusted By Some of the Largest Brands in The World


Businesses Helped

We Have 100's of Raving Fans. How Else Would We Get so Many Referrals!


Negative Reviews Removed

We Have Even Successfully Removed Negative Google Reviews as Far Back as 2007!


How Does it Work?

You Receive an Unfair/ Negative Review on Your Google Business Profile

Everyday, small businesses like yourself receive unfair reviews on their Google Business Page which damages your reputation, loses you customers & costs you money (& peace of mind).

NexLvL-Ai Analyzes The Negative Google Review & Creates a Winning Dispute Challenge
NexLvL's proprietary Ai technology analyzes the review for any violation of Googles TOS to determine their legitimacy & automatically processes a winning review dispute case.
NexLvL-Ai Automatically Escalates The Dispute Case With Google & Gets Them Removed

NexLvL receives confirmations & Case ID numbers & automatically continues to escalate the challenges up the chain until the review is removed (our secret sauce).


Timeline of Removals

1-4 Months

Easy Removals

In the first 4 months, we get all the reviews with the most obvious violations removed

 4-9 Months

Majority of Removals

During months 4-9, we get the majority of your negative reviews removed (after a few escalations)

9-12 Months

Difficult Removals

The last 9-12 months is when we get the most difficult reviews removed (these always take around 12 months)

take back your GOOGLE business page!

Ready to Get Started?

🏪1 x Google Biz Profile🏪

$1990usd/ yr

1 x Google Biz Location

➕$199 Set Up

UNLIMITED Negative Review Removal For One Low Price!

Provides Negative Review Protection For 12 Months

🎁 Bonus!

We Will Remove Past Negative Reviews (last 15 years)

🏪2+ Google Biz Profiles🏪

$1590usd / yr

Per Google Biz Location

➕$199 Set Up Per Location

UNLIMITED Negative Review Removal For 2-9 Locations

Save $400usd/ Per Year Per Google Location

🎁 Bonus!

Review Generation Software to Get You 100's of New Reviews!

🏪10+ Google Biz Profiles🏪

$1190usd / yr

Per Google Biz Location

➕$99 Set Up Per Location

UNLIMITED Negative Review Removal For 10+ Locations

Save $800 Per Location on Agency & Franchise WhiteLable Plan

🎁 Bonus!

Mark Up & Re-Sell to Your Customers & Franchisees!


50% Off Sales Navigator

$37usd/ mo

LinkedIn Auto-Comments

$49usd/ mo

Social Media For 20 Profiles

$49usd/ mo

Ai-Voice & Ai Messaging

$399usd/ mo

Google Review Generation App

$49usd/ mo

Custom Branded Mobile App

$69usd/ mo

NexLvL All-In-One CRM

$39usd/ mo



$49usd/ mo

Removed Forever Guarantee

Once We Remove it, It Will Never Re-Appear!

🤩505 Reviews Removed!

🤩252 Reviews Removed!

🤩386 Reviews Removed!

🤩125 Reviews Removed!

🤩351 Reviews Removed!

🤩114 Reviews Removed

Check out what clients say

Machine Learning Content Violations

Our technology uses machine learning and a 7-Class natural language processing

model to determine what review content violations to dispute with Google.

This greatly increases the likelihood of a successful removal for each challenge (& every subsequent challenge).

Bad Quality Reviews

Off Topic

Advertising & Solicitation

Deceptive Content

Gibberish & Repetitive

Regulated, Dangerous,

& Illegal Content

Obscenity & Profanity

Dangerous Content

Child Safety

Restricted Content

Civil Violations




Fake Engagement

Mature Content

Personal Information

Hate Speech

Offensive Content

🤖 works for every type of business
🤖 zero computer skills needed
🤖 removes bad reviews on autopilot

Our Ai-Review Removal Works With Google & Trip Advisor

🏪1 x Google Biz Profile🏪


1 x Google Biz Location

➕$199 Set Up

UNLIMITED Negative Review Removal For One Low Price!

Provides Negative Review Protection For 12 Months

🎁 Bonus!

We Will Remove Past Negative Reviews (last 15 years)

🏪2+ Google Biz Profiles🏪


Per Google Biz Location

➕$199 Set Up Per Location

UNLIMITED Negative Review Removal For 2-9 Locations

Save $400usd/ Per Year Per Google Location

🎁 Bonus!

Review Generation Software to Get You 100's of New Reviews!

🏪10+ Google Biz Profiles🏪


Per Google Biz Location

➕$99 Set Up Per Location

UNLIMITED Negative Review Removal For 10+ Locations

Save $800 Pwer Location on Agency & Franchise WhiteLable Plan

🎁 Bonus!

Mark Up & Re-Sell to Your Customers & Franchisees!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Find our most commonly asked questions below.

What types of reviews are most likely to be removed by Google?

Here is a list of the reasons & types of unfair, negative reviews that are most likely to be removed from your Google Business Profile: 

False Information:

The review contains demonstrably false information: Statements that are assertions of fact and materially false, excluding opinion, will be removed for violating Google’s content guidelines.

Failing to Focus on Personal Consumer Experience

The review fails to focus on a reviewer’s personal consumer experience: If a review is about someone else’s experience, disputing another review, is about the wrong business or appears to be plagiarized, it will likely be removed by Google.

Inappropriate &/or Offensive

The review includes inappropriate and offensive content: Inappropriate and offensive content includes hate speech, threatening language, lewd commentary, and private information about employers, employees, and even patrons.

Conflict of Interest or Bias:

The reviewer has an evident conflict of interest or bias: Reviews that exhibit an apparent conflict of interest include reviews by former competitors and employees, persons affiliated with the business, and reviewers who are clearly receiving financial compensation or other incentives for posting the review.

Fake Engagement 

Contributions to Google Maps should reflect a genuine experience at a place or business. Fake Engagement is not allowed and will be removed. 

This includes:

  • Paying, incentivizing or encouraging the posting of content that does not represent a genuine experience.
  • Content that is not based on a real experience and does not accurately represent the location or product in question. 
  • Content that has been incentivized by a business in exchange for discounts, free goods and/or services.
  • Content that has been posted by a competitor to undermine a business or product’s reputation.
  • Content that has been posted from multiple accounts to manipulate a place’s rating.

What types of reviews are NOT likely to be removed by Google?

Local Guides:

If the review was placed by a verified Google "Local Guide". These reviews are very difficult to get removed (we will still dispute it & escalate it multiple times but Google rarely removes reviews left by "Local Guides".

Reviews With Images:

Google reviews with with images. These reviews are very difficult to get removed (we will still dispute it & escalate it multiple times but Google rarely removes reviews left with images)

How long does it take to get a review removed?

We understand you want to see removals right away, but the review removal process can be lengthy. The removal process is indefinite and the time it takes to remove a review is different for each review being challenged.

Each challenge that is submitted can take potentially 30-45+ business days for a resolution to be received from your review sites, and many reviews need to be challenged several times before a positive removal response is received.

If your review is denied removal, We will re-submit an indefinite number of escalated challenges in an attempt to remove the review in question (this is are our secret sauce & why we can successfully remove many negative reviews (even those with legitimacy scores of 8-9. 


An indefinite number of escalated review challenges can occur if the previous escalated challenges are denied removal. These additional escalated challenges are reviewed and analyzed again by our review team and then resubmitted. 


Google have their own processes to handle review removal requests and the timings between challenges for each review may differ. 

Why do you charge per annum?

The reason why we charge per annum is because removing reviews is a long and arduous process that requires multiple escalations and efforts.

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